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Tech-based hacks for effective corporate PPT presentation

· Design
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Technology has made inroads in every aspect of business processing and power point presentation is no exception! With advance technology tools PPT slides are taking a leap in terms of engaging the audience and effectively communicate the message. To make a presentation more effective and interactive, use of interactive PPT design tools adds to expression and understanding of presenters point for the audience. These tools improve audience interest in the presentation increasing their curiosity.

For a presentation design company, there are plenty of soft tools available for product launch PPT but careful implementation of technology is must to leave a good impression. We present you some trending technology supported tools that may be useful for impressive business presentation.


Inclusion of images that display humor, inspiration, skewed perspectives or an oversized photo convey the message than the usual stock photo or impersonal photographs. In fact, such images also leave a lasting impact on audience memory. These images could be from real life or real people or some powerful depiction of unforgettable action making instant connect with the audience. Besides helping the presenters to pursue their points, such images enhance their credibility as well.

Sensitive Designs

Stick to sensitive design over the busy slides filled with too much information and this can be easily achieved with the advance technology presentation design templates. Choose to keep the message very concise and minimize distractions for the audience. Such a specific design allows presenters to make best of their time thereby restricting audience’s focus on important part of the presentation. A neat and balanced design facilitates conversation between presenters and audience.

Patterns & Gradients

Talented slide designers can enhance the slide background by incorporating patters that sync with the presentation’s theme, without disturbing the view to the audience. Intelligent color combination with the patterns can be used to improve thematic design, message, industry or the topic. A perfect balance of all these factors leads to a great pattern design.

Gradients bring clever use of colors in slides to enhance the impact. The color choice may vary from light to dark. For exclusivity, marketing team may ask designers for customized gradient design that suits their product launch presentation. You may use two three color combination, which again depend on product type and theme of the PPT. Various software are available for vibrant background color and theme alternatives, but finally the better outcome slides with the wisdom and assessment of experienced slide designer.


Data forms an important part of a corporate presentation to catch audience’s attention hence it should fit in concise and clear designs to make an impact. One may use tables, graphs, dials, pie charts, thermometers to convey the message. These formats can be made compelling with the help of designers. Marketing team and designers can sit together and discuss the best set of data-format combination for product launch PPT to impress the audience.


Infographics involves colors, typography, icons and visual elements to present boring facts and figures in an interactive engaging content display. These eye-grabbing graphics catches audience’s attention and help them understand complex information presented in a simple manner. Infographic layouts score over other formats when heavy content is presented.

We at INKPPT – a pioneering presentation design company based out of Delhi - understand these technology hacks in order to utilize them for clients’ specific business needs and offer best-in-class services to place right amount of content through right platform. We help corporate develop product launch presentation by taking cues from marketing team with the help of our experienced designers, who possess a clear understanding of new-age PPT design tools.